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Couldn't load sqlite.
Couldn't load sqlite.
Couldn't load sqlite.
Couldn't load sqlite.
Couldn't load sqlite.


Information provided

The following information is provided for each benchmark:

  • name: the name of the benchmark
  • layers: this covers the storage API that is actually benchmarked, e.g. POSIX
  • features: Describes roughly the offered features that are supported (potentially via options) by the benchmark
    • data: This is a data centric benchmark (read, write)
    • metadata: This benchmark measures metadata performance (open, close, stat, readdir, …)
    • programmable: The details of the access pattern can be configured, e.g., execution order.
    • tunable: Offers fine grained access to the underlying API supporting many tunables (e.g., hints)
    • analyzable: The benchmark suite provides at least rudimentary support to visualize and analyze the results and compare several runs.
  • parallel: This indicates if and how the benchmark is parallelized:
    • Sequential, i.e., a single process that runs the benchmark
    • OpenMP: Parallelized via OpenMP
    • MPI: MPI parallel version
  • type: the type of the access pattern.
    • synthetic: completely artificial access pattern
    • kernel: this is an I/O kernel of an existing application, meaning it only contains the I/O parts and runs them as fast as possible
    • mini-app: this is a stripped down version of an application consisting of I/O but also compute phases
    • application: this is a full featured scientific application that does make sense
  • license: The license behind the benchmark
  • webpage: The web page of the benchmark


This page contains a list of popular benchmarks; by clicking a particular characteristics, the list is filtered. Multiple characteristics can be selected.

Layers tag cloud

Features tag cloud

Parallelism tag cloud

Type tag cloud