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Data Center List

The high-performance storage list (HPSL) has been expanded to the Comprehensive Data Center List (CDCL) providing detailed information about data centers including the top storage systems (file systems, tape libraries) in the world and the supercomputers that are using them. The list is maintained in folders for each installation year. Details about the metrics and rules to obtain them are provided here.

To add a completely new page, use the creator tool which creates stub pages to be filled.

You can adjust the shown columns and the ordering of the list by clicking on a column or the menu below. There is also the option to create derived metrics and share these with others. We are working to allow you to embed the list into your webpage.

To use data provided by the list please cite: High-Performance Storage List, Virtual Institute for I/O, 2020,

We supported the standardization of the IO500 benchmark to complement the list with comparable actual performance measurements.

To add a new machine, either clone an existing template, or simply send an email to with the available information.

The current list