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Data Center Editor

The Data Center Editor allows you to define a supercomputer in a standardized way and then embed the description into your webpage.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Use the form below to describe the datacenter (we do not store anything on the server!). Use the “>” icon to expand components. “-” to remove them.
  2. The graphical editor allows describing the topology, just drag and drop the entities.
  3. Save the JSON description to allow later modifications (can be loaded later)
  4. Export the HTML skeleton.
  5. Extract the core pieces of the HTML skeleton and embed it into your webpage. There is a little Javascript code inside for the rendering. We welcome if you keep the powered by VI4IO link and the version but you may also remove it.

If you want to be listed at the CDCL at VI4IO, you can always send the JSON file to

<newcdcl> </newcdcl>

Creating an entry in the CDCL

To add a completely new page to the CDCL, use the creator tool which creates stub pages to be filled.