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NetCDF Performance Benchmark Tool (NetCDF-Bench) was developed to measure NetCDF I/O performance on devices ranging from notebooks to large HPC systems. It mimics the typical I/O behavior of scientific climate applications and captures the performance on each node/process. In the end, it aggregates the data to the human-readable summary.

NetCDF-Bench supports independent I/O, collective I/O and chunked I/O modes. If necessary, it can pre-fill the variables with some value.


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Example Output

Benchtool (datatype: int) 
Data geometry (t:x:y:z x sizeof(type))     100:100:100:10 x 4 bytes               
Block geometry (t:x:y:z x sizeof(type))      1:100:100:10 x 4 bytes               
Datasize                                             40000000 bytes                (40.0 MB)
Blocksize                                              400000 bytes                (400.0 kB)
I/O Access                                        independent
Storage                                            contiguous
File length                                             fixed
Fill value                                                 no
                                                                               min                  avg                  max                     
benchmark:write      Open time                                        1.3148752760         1.3148752760         1.3148752760 secs                
benchmark:write      I/O time                                         0.2117756090         0.2117756090         0.2117756090 secs                
benchmark:write      Close time                                       0.1916803280         0.1916803280         0.1916803280 secs                
benchmark:write      I/O Performance (w/o open/close)               180.1292076844       180.1292076844       180.1292076844 MB/s                
benchmark:write      I/O Performance                                 22.2000114807        22.2000114807        22.2000114807 MB/s