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blktrace is used to analyze I/O-access, it provides more a more detailed look at I/O-usage than other tools like iotop and iostat.


Analyzing I/O patterns with blktrace is done in two steps. First use blktrace to log operations, then use blkparse to show a detailed report on the recorded data.

Record I/O-events on the blockdevice /dev/sda for five seconds:

blktrace -w 5 -d /dev/sda

Print contents of the logfile to stdout (use -s switch to show per-program statistics at the end):

blkparse -i sda.blktrace.0 -s

Another option is to pass data into blkparse straigt away to enable live viewing:

blktrace -d /dev/sda -o - | blkparse -i -


After recording the data blktrace shows a small summary of the recorded events:

=== sda ===
  CPU  0:                    3 events,        1 KiB data
  CPU  1:                  145 events,        7 KiB data
  CPU  2:                    6 events,        1 KiB data
  CPU  3:                    3 events,        1 KiB data
  CPU  4:                  295 events,       14 KiB data
  CPU  5:                    0 events,        0 KiB data
  CPU  6:                    0 events,        0 KiB data
  CPU  7:                   10 events,        1 KiB data
  Total:                   462 events (dropped 0),       22 KiB data

Since blkparse shows a huge amount of information we chose to only show small excerpts below.

Each event gets a single line in the first section of the log. By default the following elements are shown in order:

major and minor major,minor device numbers (as shown in lsblk)
sequence sequencenumber is
pid unix process id
action one of is described in detail in the documentation
rwbs'r' for read, 'w' for write, 'd' for discard (for more details see the documentation)
starting block + number of blocksBlock the operation is starting at and the number of blocks affected respectively
  8,0    1        2     0.000001084  5069  Q   W 240054272 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1        8     0.000058101  5069  Q   W 240056320 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       13     0.000110909  5069  Q   W 240058368 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       14     0.000113330  5069  G   W 240058368 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       16     0.000162283  5069  Q   W 240060416 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       17     0.000164598  5069  G   W 240060416 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       28     0.000243672  5069  I   W 240058368 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       29     0.000243966  5069  I   W 240060416 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       36     0.000255103  5069  D   W 240058368 + 2048 [dd]
  8,0    1       37     0.000259523  5069  D   W 240060416 + 2048 [dd]

When the -s flag is set additional, per-process statistics are also displayed.

dd (5069)
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:           8,    5,696KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:        8,    4,884KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:        0,        0KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:            0,        0KiB
 IO unplugs:             1               Timer unplugs:           0
 Allocation wait:        0               Allocation wait:         0
 Dispatch wait:          0               Dispatch wait:           0
 Completion wait:        0               Completion wait:         0

A summary is shown at the very end of blkparse's output.

Total (sda):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:          41,   10,904KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:       20,   10,092KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:       21,   10,092KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:           21,       84KiB
 IO unplugs:            12               Timer unplugs:           0

Throughput (R/W): 0KiB/s / 3,285KiB/s
Events (sda): 352 entries
Skips: 0 forward (0 -   0.0%)

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