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The IO500 Committee, as of May 2019, consists of the three founding members (in alphabetical order), John Bent,Julian Kunkel, and Jay Lofstead, as well as a fourth member, George Markomanolis, who was a very active early community participant and joined the committee subsequently.

The committee governs itself with the following rules:

  • All changes to the benchmarking scripts or methodology require all committee members to review and approve.
  • All changes to the website require all committee members to review and approve.
  • By default, all submissions marked VALID by the script are accepted. However, any committee member can raise an objection if they think a submission violates any of the IO500 rules. In typical situations, the committee will discuss the concerns with the submitter. After this discussion, the committee will vote. If 50% or more think the submission should be rejected, it will be rejected and will appear in a separate list of rejected submissions along with an explanation for its rejection.
  • All requests for media interviews are discussed by the full committee who most unanimously decide how to respond.

The committee can be reached at